Antique Bingo Machine

15 product ratings - PowerTRC Bingo Machine Cage Game Set with Balls (Classic) Metal Cage with Tray. From United States. Buy It Now +C $20.53 shipping estimate. Bingo Machine Cage Game Set with Balls (Classic) Brand New. From United States. Buy It Now +C $24.91 shipping estimate.
Vintage Bingo Machine
Pinrescue is the proud supplier of the vintage pinball machines available for play at this years PAPA 11 pinball tournament in Pittsburgh, PA. See for tournament details. 'Pinrescue congratulates our customer Dr. Rob Loring whose fabulous game room is featured on May 2005 cover of Game Room Magazine'. Russ, Stacy and Annie Snyder. Shopping for Bally Bingo Machine Bingo at discounted prices? For limited time Bally Bingo Machine Bingo deals at warehouse discounts.
What are Bingo Pinball Machines
We all know that Bingo is a legal game and have played it in our youth. So, it is no wonder that pinball manufacturers decided to use the bingo theme for machines, such as slot machines and payout pinballs.With a Bingo pinball machine, just like playing bingo in your church, one or more players purchased a card and then played hoping to fill in a straight line of numbers on their card.
Each card, displayed on the backglass of the pinball had 25 numbers form 1 to 25 in a random sequence. (The numbers on a regular bingo card go up to 80.) The 25 numbers were arrayed on a playing field and when a ball fell into a hole the corresponding number would light up on each playing card. Players could increase their winnings by inserting multiple coins and, while they were advertised as amusement machines, operators would usually pay off in cash.

The players would shoot 5 balls, just as in a regular pinball machines, and if the player was 'skillful' he would win free games which would register on the free play counter. Since skill was involved and no coins were paid out, it was not considered a gambling machine. However, in 1956 the courts declared these games to be gambling devices.
Commercial Bingo Machine
Most Bingo pinballs were manufactured by the Bally Manufacturing Company and had names such as Lite a Line, Lotta Fun, Three-Four-Five, and such beach names as Hawaii, Key West, and Rio.

Antique Bingo Machine Parts
- Slot Machines
- Repair the Slot Yourself
DVD videos to help you repair your Antique Slot Machine by yourselfScroll down to the bottom of the page for more slot repair information.
- Arcade Machines
Arcade Cards.
- Parts for Newer Amusement, Vending & Gaming MachinesContact: Happ Controls, Inc: See On-line Catalog of Parts
Contact: Wico, Inc: See On-line Catalog of Parts
Contact: HMC Electronics,See: On-line Catalog.
- Music Boxes, Record Players & Player Piano Repair
Player Paino Care
Music Boxes, Record Players & Pianos
Pump Organ Restorations.
- Cash Registers
Cash Register Manuals: Go to: Brass Cash Register Web Site.
- Vintage Radios
Online Antique & Vintage Radio References.
- Shipping Advice
Advice on Wrapping Games for Shipment
List of Shippers.
Slot Repair Service
Repair It Yourself - 2 Options
How to Fix Most Jams on Antique Slot Machines - DVD Here is a DVD or thumb drive that shows collectors how to fix 90% of the jams which occur on most antique slot machines. It also has information on how to remove and reinstall the mechanism and how to cycle the mechanism when it is outside the machine. The only tool required is a screw driver.Every slot collector should own this.
The following machines are covered:
- Mills Castle Front style machines (good for all Mills 1930s/40 'Silent' type of slot machines)
- Mills 1920s Gooseneck style slot machines
- Watling Rol-A-Top style machines
- Watling Gooseneck style machines
- Pace Comet
- Jennings Chief
Price is $39.95 plus $4.95 shipping
Go to SECURE ORDER FORM to order now.
We accept all credit cards and Paypal.Video Excerpt of DVD
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Mills Slot Machine Restoration on DVD A collector videotapes the complete restoration of a Mills Castle Front slot machine.
It is an incredible amount of work, but the end result was an 8 hour video which documented the entire process.
The video is put on the following five DVDs or a thumb drive
ContentsDisc 1Mechanism Disassembly
Includes discussion on how to clean the partsDisc 2Mechanism Reassembly including how to lubricate all the parts.Disc 3Cabinet Disassembly/Reassembly
Castings Disassembly/Reassembly
Discussion on how to refinish cabinet, strip castings and paint castings.Disc 4Reel Bundle
Gold Award
Includes Disassembly and ReassemblyDisc 5Jackpot Disassembly / Reassembly
Escalator Disassembly / Reassembly
Finishing Touches
End Result.
Price: $99.95 plus $5.95 shipping
We accept all credit cards and Paypal.Go to SECURE ORDER FORM to order now.
Please allow 2-4 weeks for production and delivery
Video Excerpt of DVD
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Slot Machine for Sale
- Antique Mechanical Slot Machines: Mills, Jennings, Pace, Watling
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