Download Zbot Zynga Poker
To download the product you want for free, you should use the link provided below and proceed to the developer's website, as this is the only legal source to get Zynga Poker. We wish to warn you that since Zynga Poker files are downloaded from an external source, FDM Lib bears no responsibility for the safety of such downloads. The world’s most popular Poker game with more tables, more tournaments, and more people to challenge than ever before. It’s Texas Hold ‘Em Poker the way YOU want to play! Zynga Poker is the destination for casino fans and Poker players alike! If you play slots or blackjack, you’ll feel right at home in our friendly Poker community! Download Zynga Poker old versions Android APK or update to Zynga Poker latest version. Review Zynga Poker release date, changelog and more. Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know.
Disclaimer: Cheating, hacking, and botting are against Zynga’s official Terms of Service. Engaging in this activity is not recommended, as it can lead to your FarmVille and/or your Facebook account being banned from the service. Cheat and use bots at your own risk.
All Credits go to Kozkon, Fredson and the Pokerbot forum! They’ve made an incredible poker bot!
Zynga Poker Bot is a program written in AutoIT which attempts to fully automate the process of playing texas holdem poker on Zynga (Facebook, MySpace, Tagged, Yahoo, Twitter, Bebo, Hi5, Iphone, etc).
Start running a bot now - SetupAndRun. Features
* Works on the Zynga Games Network (Facebook, MySpace, Tagged, Yahoo, Twitter, Bebo, Hi5, Iphone, etc)
* 100% automated, joins tables, closes popups, reloads when stuck.
* Full SourceCode available to download.
* Works in any size table with any bankroll.
* Plays selected pre-flop hands, and then calculates odds to make decisions.
* Allows custom PlayerProfiles.
* Table hop if too few opponents.
* Table hop if the blinds are too big or too small.
* Allows custom user image.
* Detects number of opponents.
* Run multiple BackgroundBots.
Download Link :
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