Heart Fm Bingo


Heart Fm Bingo Games

Heart Radio is a commercial radio station in the UK since 1994. The radio plays hot adult contemporary music and generally includes breakfast show, drivetime show, news, music charts with a mix of local and network programming. The playlist of Heart FM includes the best songs from the 70's to the present time. Award-winning Heart Bingo marks an amazing 10 years together with our players! We have developed a stellar platform to cater for all our players' wants, including your favourite online bingo chat, games and jackpots, which you can play any time you like.

Approval for a Bingo Hall in Tillsonburg won?t come as easy as it did in Woodstock. Robert Dowd filed an application for a seven day-a-week Bingo Hall to be located on Lisgar Ave, behind the community centre. Members of the Tillsonburg Lions Club came out to the town?s council meeting Monday night to voice their disapproval. Only running Bingo once a week, the proposed seven day-a-week gaming would pose a lot of competition. Secretary for the club Bruce Kendrick says there are two ways this will affect them; 'the money that we make, it will definitely have an impact on that. The other thing that we have to look at is the groups that we fund will likely have to be doing a little bit more due diligence ourselves and see if they're raising their own money versus if they're being funded by service clubs in town'. Dowd agreed, but said Tillsonburg is the perfect location as it mirrors the hall he runs in Leamington; 'the town are similar in size, they're both around 15,000 people and we have an operation there where we actually run fourteen bingos a week, not just seven'. Kendrick says their club attracts about a third of ?dedicated Bingo players? that he thinks would leave for the new hall. Mayor John Lessif says their decision is a double edged sword, 'the public knows we are supportive of encouraging businesses to invest here, on the other hand council has certainly a sensitivity for the good work the Lions Club does and what they do with the money they generate out of their bingo'. The council voted to defer the application with concerns for adequate parking.


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The Woodstock Legion currently hosts a bingo on Thursday nights, run by the Woodstock Lions Club. Dowd is applying for a bingo license through the Ontario Liquor and Gaming Commission. If he's granted a license, he'll need city council's approval, and also a registered charity, or charities, to contribute some of the proceeds. Heart FM have really pushed the boat out for their Heart Bingo games portal online and are hitting the UK tv screens and advert slots with a fantastic new Heart Bingo tv ad starting in May 2012. The tv ad offers viewers the opportunity to double their welcome bonus to 200% up to a maximum of £100 netting you an amazing £305 to play with at.